Our Online Loyalty Scheme
Same old benefits, just split between systems!
Our Loyalty Scheme here on the website works exactly the same way as it does in our shops, you’ll still be getting the same amount of points that you can claim in the same way whether you buy in-store or online.
PLEASE NOTE – The online and in-store loyalty systems don’t communicate between each other so your loyalty online and in-store are two separate accounts and we cannot transfer points between the two.
Same Point Value
Accrue the same amount of loyalty online as you would in-store, and claim the same amount in the same way for the same value!
Separate but the Consistent
While the two systems are split rest assured we’ve made every effort to make it as uniform as possible, no strange discounts or values, just nice easy rewards for sticking with us!
Just as easy
Any account made on our site will have a loyalty account attached and will start accumulating points from the first order you make!